Welcome to our youth group - the Asquith Misfits. We want to let you know we think you’re great - you’re already part of the family! Here is a little bit of information about us:

Who are we: We are a youth group that are convinced that living life to its fullness means having Jesus as our focus.

Why are we called the Misfits? Well, great question! Jesus tells us in His word that we should stand out from the crowd. We get pressure everyday from all sides - be this, do that, think this, say that... We think Jesus is calling us out of a life of looking like everyone else, and into being a Misfit. Standing out from the crowd isn’t something to be afraid of, but something we support and celebrate each other in!

Most of us are in or just about to go to High School - we have our leaders who are a bit older, but our youth group is from grades 6 - 12.

We know not everyone knows or follows Jesus, and that’s okay! We welcome everyone from any background to come and hang out with us on a Friday - we just want to be upfront with what we are about.

What we do: We share dinner together, play games, enjoy Christian music, hear a message from God’s Word, pray to God together, celebrate each other’s joys and help each other through life’s hardships.

Where and when we meet: We meet on Friday nights during school term with dinner at 6:30 and activities from 7-9pm, at 3 Amor St Asquith.

So this is us, and you’re welcome to be a part of it. We’ve only just met you, but we can already tell that we’re gonna be best mates!

If you have any questions, please let one of the leaders or Pastors know. We hope you come and hang out some more!


For more information email our Pastor Jose Lam, or head to our social media!

Email : office@asquithchurchofchrist.com

Social Media: @asquith.misfits